Spreading the joy of flowers

26 October 2020
Spreading the joy of flowers

Did you know that 93% of British people think having flowers and houseplants at home or work improves wellbeing?  

Studies have shown that flowers have immediate and long-term positive effects on emotional reactions, mood, behaviour and even memory! 

At Oundle Bespoke Apartments we love and take pride in our seasonal british gardens. Developed to reflect the individual character of each houses' interior design, we take care of them throughout the seasons with new plants and features to bring the best out of each and every one of them. Enjoying the seasonal changes that take place in the gardens, our customers are able to pick their choice of flowers and foliage for decoration inside the house, as well as cutting herbs for cooking. This makes us unique in serviced accommodation by connecting our customers with our gardens, increasing pleasure both within the house and seated outside. As well as being great for our guests, we like to leave some flowers in the garden for our bees and local wildlife, helping in turn to make delicious local honey!

As a member of Freddie's Flowers we take a weekly delivery to decorate our working office, as well as drying the blooming flowers to make potpourri to decorate objet d’art bowls in the houses. Using this regularly to refresh the bedrooms we also add rose and lavender oils to further release calming scents and in our living spaces we use scented lavender diffusers to reflect the lavender planted around the gardens, keeping us and the bees happy.

As we receive bonuses each month from Freddie's Flowers we are pleased to give a gift of free flowers and an additional half price to residents who desire to have fresh flowers weekly that are fresher than supermarkets, both while you are staying here and when you find your new home. The advantage to Freddie's Flowers is that they are fresher, higher quality flowers delivered straight from the distribution centre each Wednesday. By signing up yourself as a member you will have a seasonal colourful display hand crafted with floristry techniques, ready for you to admire weekly in your house! 
